To make wax efficiently, it's best to have a high Cooking skill. This will allow your Sim to complete more wax stations before needing to take a break. While making wax, your Sim may also produce honey. Both wax and honey can be sold or stored in your inventory for later use. Wax is needed to craft candles at the wax craft bench.
To craft candles, you’ll need a level 20 in Cooking, Logic, and Creativity. The higher your Sim's skill in these areas, the better the chances of successfully crafting a candle. Each candle requires 20 wax bars, and each time you use a wax station, you’ll produce one wax bar (and occasionally one jar of honey). A wax station takes around 55 seconds to complete. Each attempt you take at crafting a candle will cost $5,000.
When crafting candles, there are five different types you can create. If you're lucky, you might even craft a rare golden toilet!
Hint: Making wax can quickly drain your Sim’s hygiene and comfort, but with a high Cooking skill, you can complete up to nine wax stations before needing to sleep. You can repeat this process four to five times without showering, as long as your Sim’s other needs remain in the white. However, if other bars are too low, this strategy won’t be effective.
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